Texas Bound


Next Wednesday I will be on a plane with my Zoh Zoh (my amazing little sidekick) heading to good ol’ Texas where I grew up and lived for 21 years. I am very ecstatic to see my family and friends. 

But, one of the most horrifying things to see when I go back is the people I used to go to school with for many years doing the same thing they have been doing since forever. For example, when I went to the bar down the street from my house with my friend Robin, I saw so many people from my high school, still in the same bar as usual, doing the same thing with the same people. It just blows my mind! I am so glad I got out when I did. If I hadn’t had met Jacob (my darling other half) I would not be in beautiful, cool ass Charleston South Carolina. I probably would be working at the same grocery store, hanging out with the same people, not kayaking! LOL 

I am so grateful that I am here, I do miss my lovey family and friends but man am I glad that I am experiencing new places, meeting new people, & doing new amazing things. I really did love my job at HEB Grocery, it was an amazing family owned company, they really loved their employees and treated us great!

Now I am an entrepreneur. I own a Pet Sitting & Dog Walking business called Christy’s Pet Care. I really love what I do. Yeah.. I am super-d-duper busy but it’s totally worth it! I meet amazing people that love their awesome pets! I honestly wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for Jacob. He inspired me to get into business and create something that I truly love and feel strongly about and well.. that’s animals. I am a Veterinary Technician so it’s perfect. People feel more comfortable with an experienced person to take care of their animals, and if anything did go wrong (God forbid) I would know what to do. I’ve been in business for a year and a half. I LOVE it!! 😀

I would suggest to anyone that wants to see new places, experience new things, & meet new people.. you have to get out of where you are. You have to just do it! Do be prepared though, save up at least 3 months of income. I had $2,000 when I moved, I had tons of interviews lined up for jobs and everything. I had a so-so job literally within a week after I moved. I ended up losing my job for being late, ehh I know, not so professional. But you have to make mistakes in order to learn. So, I truly did learn. I couldn’t find a job for 2 months after that. Really busted my balls, there went all my savings. Took me 8 months to save up that much. But I am so grateful that I had it there when I needed it. I was truly proud of myself for being somewhat adult lol besides getting fired. That’s such a sucky feeling, even if you hate your job.


TheLifeofaBusinessWoman – KEEP IT REAL 😀



Procrastination = Stress

You know the saying “Work Hard, Play Hard“? Well, that’s the motto I live by. It really makes sense to me- I strongly believe in working hard (not procrastinating), then playing hard-er. You know the drill.. run around like a crazy person half the day striving to be 110% productive, then go home to have a glass.. or three of wine, then plan out the next day. I genuinely like to feel at ease.. no stress, no drama, just good ol’ peace and harmony.

Kind of hard to come by some will say, harmony that is. I think people don’t stop and TRY to relax. Why is it so hard? Well possibly because people procrastinate so much they just can’t relax, well they haven’t earned the bliss of relaxation. I honestly can’t relate to people who are lazy and don’t do anything productive. It’s a pet peeve of mine.

Don’t get me wrong I know how some days life just doesn’t go as planned and it’s easy to get stressed over that. When you realize you are getting stressed over something, take a moment and breath. Try to calm down your mind and believe that it’s not the end of the world. Whatever happens, happens. When you get mad about things you can’t control you slowly spiral into a habit of just stressing the fuck out. No bueno. Live life to the fullest and RELAX people. 

I feel the need to compete with myself. I like to get all of my errands done as fast as possible, and keep the reward hanging in my mind while I’m working. It just makes me excited, spices up my day. It’s funny, just a couple of years ago I was thinking of getting into business. I thought it would be so easy and you can do whatever you want. Ha, yeah you can do what you want. You make your own schedule, which is amazing to me. I love filling up my appointment book and deciding when I want to sleep in. Let me tell you, being in business is not easy. You have to really get yourself out there, meet people, make contacts, market, spend money to make money, yadda yadda yadda… But it is very rewarding. I was self employed for 8 months, supporting myself by staying busy and promoting my business. Also, you really have to believe you can do it. It helps if you have people to keep you motivated. To this day I am still self employed but I have a part time job on the side to just keep me from going insane if my months are slow. I like to stay busy, if you haven’t noticed.

Random fact: I will bring in all the groceries in with one trip, I don’t care if I have to carry 20 bags. I will ALWAYS make ONE trip! LOL Makes me feel powerful and non lazy. The lovely bearded man I call a boyfriend has a nickname for me… Pack Mule- pretty much describes me perfectly. Ha! 


